Documents pour l’histoire du français langue étrangère ou seconde is now online

Documents pour l’Histoire du Français Langue Étrangère ou Seconde is published by the SIHFLES (Société Internationale pour l’Histoire du Français Langue Étrangère ou Seconde). It deals with historical aspects, questions of linguistic and educational policy, questions of foreign language theory, teaching methods and acquisition, inventories of manuals—grammar books, dictionaries, theoretical works, and bilingual works, etc—and authors who have made an impact in this area of research during the period from the Renaissance to the 1970s, in all countries where France has been taught as a foreign language. Documents pour l’Histoire du Français Langue Étrangère ou Seconde is quarterly journal with an international peer review board. The last five issues are currently available online in full text. Earlier issues will gradually be made available.