New journals annoucements

838 results in 84 pages

Suds. Géographies critiques, perspectives des Suds

Suds. Géographies critiques, perspectives des SudsSuds is a geography journal in which land and politics play a part in explaining the discipline. In particular, it revisits universal topics and notions from the perspective of the South. The successor to Cahiers d’Outre-Mer, Suds was created in 2023 to offer editorial space for specific, curr...

Revue d'histoire culturelle. XVIIIe-XXIe siècles

Revue d'histoire culturelle. XVIIIe-XXIe sièclesFounded in 2020, Revue d'histoire culturelle examines cultural history through an interdisciplinary historical lens. The journal is the spiritual descendant of the histoire des mentalités and histoire totale introduced by the Annales school of thought, in that it looks at the whole, focuses on...


ViaticaFounded in 2014, Viatica is a journal published by the digital publication center at the University of Clermont Auvergne dedicated entirely to travel literature. Each year’s issue features trends in this new area of literary criticism, which combines geography with regional, cultural, and lite...

Revue des Sciences Humaines

Revue des Sciences HumainesFounded in 1927 and published quarterly by Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, Revue des Sciences Humaines features innovative criticism of and academic research on literature and its relationship to the humanities, social sciences, and other artistic fields. It welcomes articles from all o...


AltreitalieAltreitalie was founded in 2005 and is published twice annually by Academia University Press to promote interdisciplinary and international dialog and to create a space to discuss the Italian diaspora. Most articles are in Italian and examine Italian migration and mobility from the preunificat...


ElseneurFounded in 1983, Elseneur is an annual journal published in French by researchers of French and
French literature and of comparative literature at the Lettres, Arts du spectacle Langues romanes
(LASLAR) research center at the University of Caen Normandie. Each issue is dedicated to a parti...

Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal

Cadernos do Arquivo MunicipalCadernos do Arquivo Municipal was founded in 2014 and is published twice a year by the Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa. Its mission is to offer a window into the humanities and social science collections in its archives. The journal publishes original, innovative scientific articles in Portuguese ...